
Straw Manny

Straw Manny is a hopeful knight who needs better training. He only practices combat on fake straw men because they’re easier to hit. As a result, he isn’t a very skilled fighter. Players need to help Manny build his combat skills by attacking real opponents rather than fake ones, teaching the concept of the "straw man" fallacy.

Hasty Harry

Hasty Harry is an astronaut who makes flawed generalizations about the new creatures and plants he discovers on planets he visits. Players will collect enough information about each planet and help Harry avoid making generalizations in his planet report, teaching the "hasty generalization" fallacy. This will be a top-view game.

Slippery Slope Sadie

Slippery Slope Sadie is a snowboarder who tends to jump to extreme conclusions. In this game, players need to guide Sadie safely down a snowy path without letting her slip into a pitfall, introducing the "slippery slope" fallacy. This will be a platformer game.